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berpesta pora bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "berpesta pora"
  • berpesta:    feast; feasted; feasting; make merry; revel;
  • berpesta-pora:    killed the fatted calf; killing the fatted calf; maffick; mafficked; mafficking
  • berpesta:    feast; feasted; feasting; make merry; revel; party; whoop it up; make whoopie; wassail; jollify; make happy; racket
  • pesta pora:    orgy; debauched; revel; revelry; fuckfest
  • bersenang-senang/ berpesta:    revel; debauch
  • lapangan terbang antarabangsa ponta pora:    ponta porã international airport
  • pesta pora yang berlebih-lebihan:    debauchery
  • berpesiar naik perahu:    yachting
  • berpesiar:    frolic; froliced; frolicing; frolicked; frolicking; trigger off; activate; touch off; turn on; actuate; get off; spark; travel; journey; jaunt; trigger; stumble; trip up; set off; trip out; spark of
  • berpetualang:    gallivant; gallivanted; gallivanting; venture on; ventured on; venturing on
  • berpesan:    notice; noticing; ordinate; regularize; cue; instruct; learn; rate; arrange; grade; teach; tell; apprise; remind; apprize; rank; regularise; set up; put; prescribe; ordain; govern; say; dictate; ord
  • berpidato:    address; deliver a speech; delivered a speech; delivering a speech; orate; orated; orating; declaim; harangue; speak; mouth; talk; verbalize; make a speech; utter; verbalise
  • berperut lembek:    squeamish; queasy
  • berpidato dgn kata-kata yg pedas:    tirade
  • Okay, since we are all ready, let's go paint the town red-.
    Ayo kita berpesta pora.
  • You're smoking it up while I'm out working.
    Kau berpesta pora sementara aku banting tulang.
  • I got 5 years of debauchery to catch up on.
    Sudah 5 tahun aku tidak berpesta pora.
  • We're here in Girls Gone Wild in Jerusalem.
    Kita di tempat para cewek Berpesta pora di Yerusalem.
  • We had a big party at the end.
    Kita berpesta pora waktu sudah selesai.
  • I mean, the Amish are on a Rumspringa.
    Kelompok Amish sedang berpesta pora.
  • We are all gonna have a big party.
    Kita semua akan berpesta pora.
  • This promptly became a hot-bed for money and debauchery.
    Tak lama kemudian tempat ini berubah menjadi tempat untuk berpesta pora.
  • And dogs - dogs in Olympus Shall feast on it!
    Dan anjing - anjing di Olympus Akan berpesta pora di atasnya !
  • They sent you out here to train, but you have party?
    Mereka mengirim kalian ke sini untuk di didik, tetapi kalian malah berpesta pora?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3